A Car Loan From Yes Finance is Easy, Secure and Can be Done on Your Smartphone!
A Car Loan From Yes Finance is Easy, Secure and Can be Done on Your Smartphone!
Post: December 8, 2016
Have you been delaying buying the car of your dreams? Now is the time to stop procrastinating and take the plunge. With a car loan from Yes Finance, you could buy yourself that dream car for Christmas.
Yes Finance has been providing personal loans and business loans to New Zealanders for 20 years. Their reputation of providing loans in a caring, transparent environment has seen them become one of New Zealand’s most respected loan providers.
“At Yes Finance we realise it needs to be easy, quick and without hassle,” says owner and director Peter Steel. “Our systems are so advanced, the whole process from application to signing the documentation can be done online using your desktop computer or smartphone. There is no need to come to our office. You can be anywhere in New Zealand it can all be done all from your living room!”
With a car loan from Yes Finance, you can choose to buy from a private seller, from Trade Me or from a car dealer.
If you are buying privately or through Trade Me, Yes Finance will check the car’s ownership, check there is no money owing and that it has a current registration and warrant of fitness.
“At Yes Finance we are easy and personal to deal with,” says Mr Steel. “You can apply, we will ring you, talk through the loan and purchase. When it’s all done we’ll step you through the online signing process.”
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