Be back-to-school sorted with a personal loan from Leading finance company, Auckland-based Yes Finance.
Be back-to-school sorted with a personal loan from Leading finance company, Auckland-based Yes Finance.
Post: January 27, 2020
The start of a new school year mixed with Christmas and end of summer debt can put families under financial pressure.
Are you feeling the financial stress due to buying uniforms, tertiary school fees and other education supplies at the start of a New Year?
The friendly financial experts at Auckland based Yes Finance are here to help ease the financial stress of going back to school and the end of summer needs.
With only a few weeks left of summer, parents around New Zealand are heading to stores and online to pick up items on their child’s school shopping list. School fees, uniforms, extracurricular activities, stationary, books, devices and others school supplies can start to add up and be overwhelming, especially when you have more than one child.
Commission for Financial Capability
Research released by CFFC shows that 69% of New Zealanders are concerned about money. This financial concern manifests in a variety of ways, with 49% of people feeling stressed and 34% missing out on social activities.
Peter at Yes Finance says, “We are here to ease the pressure of back to school expenses, so your child can get the best possible start at school”.
Responsible financing
The friendly professionals at Yes Finance specialise in bringing responsible financing to the market for a fair price. And as such, have worked hard to develop a reputation of being one of New Zealand’s most respected loan providers.
At Yes Finance they understand that everyone’s financial situation is different and requires a unique solution that will put you in a comfortable position before and after borrowing.
Peter adds, “When you call Yes Finance, you will be talking to a real and empathetic Yes Finance staff member, not a call centre or chatbot”.
New Zealand primary, intermediate and secondary schools return to school between Monday 27 January and Friday 7 February.
Whether it’s back to school finance, a new car, a holiday or something else, simply go online at to apply for a personal loan and let the friendly team take away your financial stress.
Personal and Business Lending
Yes Finance specializes in personal loans, including cars, boats and holidays, and business loans for those looking to take the next step up in their business through expansion or upgrade.
Check out Yes Finance’s simple and easy to use online applications
Have a listen to Yes Finance director, Peter Steel, talking to Marcus Lush on Newstalk ZB talking about why Yes Finance is the first choice in finance company for New Zealand businesses:
About Yes Finance
Yes Finance can assist you with SME finance, personal finance, travel loans, boat loans, chattel finance, plant and equipment finance, business loans, loans for equipment and machinery and asset finance. But no matter what kind of finance you need, the team at Yes Finance can offer you a real solution.
Yes Finance have been in business for 20 years, making them one of the oldest privately owned finance companies in New Zealand. They are an alternative to the rigid approach of the banks, providing customer focused solutions for commercial and personal finance. They are based in Auckland but operate throughout New Zealand.