Yes we are open for business!
Latest update to Covit-19
As of Tuesday 28th April 2020 we are operating with skeleton staff in the office whilst the remainder of staff are continuing to work remotely at home.
Having customers visit the office is still not possible however our staff are availble by telephone, email and Facebook.
So apart from the above we are operating, business as usual, and look forward to helping our customers with their financial needs.
Please continue to call us on free phone 0508 10 50 100508 10 50 10 or facebook us on or email us at
To all our valued Clients
With our Prime Minister announcing on Monday 23rd that we are at level 3 and having had to move to level 4 within 48 hours, we have made the decision to close our physical office.
The team, including the account managers, support, accounts and admin staff are set up to work from home over the coming period.
What does this mean for you?
You can still continue to contact us as you normally would, whether it be via email, phone or Facebook. These are all being monitored – however please note that we are receiving a large volume of enquiries currently. If we take longer than usual to respond to your enquiry, please bear with us – we will continue to respond to you, even after the Level 4 response takes effect on Wednesday.
We are working extremely hard to continue to meet your needs.
The impact of the Covid-19 virus may create financial hardship for some of our customers and we will be working on the way we can assist, including the conduct our debt collection.
Please continue to talk with us about your unique situation.
What will change?
We have no choice but to move away from face to face meetings and will run our meetings and data collection with you in a virtual manner. Our teams have been using digital signing capabilities for many years. This enables any loans to be signed via mobile device, for many years.
Our staff will correspond with you via email or text, to arrange any digital signing. This can be done using your smart phone, iPad, laptop or desktop. We will also record each signing, so there is a record on file.
We greatly appreciate your flexibility and understanding during this time and look forward to working with you. As information comes to hand over the next 4 weeks, we will keep you up to date with any developments.
Please contact us at any time if you have any concerns or questions. We are here to help.
Thank you and stay safe
Peter Steel
CEO of Yes Finance Limited
Personal and Business Lending
Yes Finance specializes in personal loans, including cars, boats and holidays, and business loans for those looking to take the next step up in their business through expansion or upgrade.
Check out Yes Finance’s simple and easy to use online applications
Have a listen to Yes Finance director, Peter Steel, talking to Marcus Lush on Newstalk ZB talking about why Yes Finance is the first choice in finance company for New Zealand businesses:
About Yes Finance
Yes Finance can assist you with SME finance, personal finance, travel loans, boat loans, chattel finance, plant and equipment finance, business loans, loans for equipment and machinery and asset finance. But no matter what kind of finance you need, the team at Yes Finance can offer you a real solution.
Yes Finance have been in business for 20 years, making them one of the oldest privately owned finance companies in New Zealand. They are an alternative to the rigid approach of the banks, providing customer focused solutions for commercial and personal finance. They are based in Auckland but operate throughout New Zealand.