Get your finances sorted with a personal finance loan from Yes Finance.
Get your finances sorted with a personal finance loan from Yes Finance.
Post: August 16, 2017
With Yes Finance you can guaranteed that they will be trustworthy, helpful, efficient and fast. “We do business right with integrity, we deliver on what we say,” comments Mr Steel.Yes Finance stands out from other lenders because it cares about its customers. Staff at Yes Finance are experienced Personal Loans Specialists who understand individual circumstances and aim to make the process of obtaining a loan as smooth as possible. “We strive to put customers in a better position after borrowing and are very competitive in our rates,” says Mr Steel.
“We won’t make our customers over-commit to anything. We want to have an equal conversation about finance and find a solution which benefits the customer, and will leave them in a comfortable position both before and after a loan,” adds Mr Steel.
Additionally, Yes Finance has its own software, making the process of getting a loan simple and hassle-free, from the application to the signing process.
The custom-designed app is easy to use and can be accessed from anywhere, on your home computer, laptop or even your smartphone.
Enjoy the freedom of having your finances under control by the friendly experts at Yes Finance. Yes! Finance is 100 per cent New Zealand owned-and-operated, specialising in providing finance in a friendly, supportive environment.
About Yes Finance
Yes Finance have been in business for 20 years, making them one of the oldest privately owned finance companies in New Zealand. They are an alternative to the rigid approach of the banks, providing customer focussed solutions for commercial and personal finance. They are based in Auckland but operate throughout New Zealand.
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