Top Loan Tips from Yes Finance – 3 Ways to Make Sure You Can Manage Your Loan
Top Loan Tips from Yes Finance – 3 Ways to Make Sure You Can Manage Your Loan
Post: May 31, 2017
Yes Finance can provide a loan for all types of requirements, such as a hire purchase loans, holiday loans or secured personal loans.
Yes Finance can provide a quick approval loan with flexible terms and a low interest rate, to help provide the best options to you.
Follow Yes Finance’s three top tips to save money in your everyday life and ensure you meet your loan repayments:
Make a budget and stick to it
“If you’re going to be in control of your finances, you need to budget properly and live within that budget,” says Peter Steel, CEO of Yes Finance.
“It might take a little time and effort to set up a budget but it will mean you are less likely to get caught out by an unexpected bill. A solid budget will help you maintain a good credit rating so you’re more likely to be accepted when you apply for finance.”
Consolidate Debts
Debt consolidation is the act of merging multiple loans into one. Peter Steel says there are many benefits to debt consolidation, including low interest rates and quicker repayment of the loan.
“Consolidating your debts will allow the debt to finish before the goods are worn out. For example, you don’t want to be still paying off that new bed long after the mattress has gone soft or be paying off your car as you clock up kilometers.”
Make small changes to your lifestyle habits
It’s easy to let money slip through your fingers with small things like taking your friends out for coffee a little too often or just not thinking carefully before purchasing things you don’t really need.
Peter Steel’s advice is keep focused on the big picture. Whether you’re starting a business and need a business loan or you’ve got a boat loan or car loan, getting the loan paid off as quickly as possible is where your focus needs to be.