Put yourself in the driving seat with a car loan from Auckland-based Yes Finance.
Put yourself in the driving seat with a car loan from Auckland-based Yes Finance.
Post: April 22, 2018
Behind the purchase of your home, purchasing a vehicle is perhaps one of the largest investments you will ever make. “At Yes Finance, we are ready and waiting to help you through the financial process of buying a car,” says Yes Finance director Peter Steel.
They offer a wide range of services including personal loans and finance options for cars.
With a car loan from Yes Finance, you can give yourself the finical head start of being a cash buyer with Finance approved, before going onto a car yard.
Yes Finance always makes their loans completely transparent so you won’t be surprised by any hidden fees.
Have a listen to Yes Finance director, Peter Steel, talking to Marcus Lush about our variety of loans that can be tailored to suit your lifestyle. https://soundcloud.com/user-384141191/yes-finance-on-newstalk-zb-auckland
About Yes Finance
Yes Finance have been in business for 20 years, making them one of the oldest privately owned finance companies in New Zealand. They are an alternative to the rigid approach of the banks, providing customer focused solutions for commercial and personal finance. They are based in Auckland but operate throughout New Zealand.
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