Privacy Act authorisation
Pursuant to the Privacy Act 2020 and Credit Reporting Privacy Code 2020
- Warrant that the information provided in this application is true and correct;
- Are not known by any other name other than the name or names declared.
- Are not less than 18 years of age.
- Confirm that I am not an un-discharged bankrupt and have never made application to the Official Assignee for a “No Asset Procedure” form of bankruptcy
- Authorise Yes Finance Ltd (“Yes”) to use the information provided to access Equifax and/or other credit reporting services and undertake a credit check on me/us (both now and in the future). This may include using monitoring services.
- Understand that Equifax and/or other credit services will provide information about me/us and all information held by those credit agencies on their systems will be used to provide future credit reports to their respective customers who also use the particular credit reporting service. This may include updates if any of the information held changes.
- Irrevocably authorise Yes to contact the following people or organisations, and seek from them such personal, financial and commercial information as Yes deems necessary relating to this Loan Application, the administration of any loans, and any ongoing debt recovery:
- Any other finance providers, or bank/s with which I/we have dealings with, or appear to have had previous dealings;
- Any government departments including but not limited to Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ), Inland Revenue, Ministry of Justice, Housing New Zealand, New Zealand Immigration Services, NZ Transport Authority (NZTA), Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), Department of Corrections, New Zealand Police, where that is directly material to my financial position;
- Any budget advisors I have used or use;
- Past or present employers;
- Past or present landlords;
- Past or present Budget advisors;
- Collections agencies;
- Relatives and referees, or other contacts that I have listed and any other person or organisation about which I have provided information to Yes in the process of making this Loan Application.
- Agree that where I/we have requested Insurance cover through or financed by Yes, this application constitutes all or part of the proposal for such insurance and such personal information may be disclosed to Janssen Insurance or other insurer as is necessary to enable those companies to consider that request or process any claims or enquires now and in the future.
- Authorise YFL to contact NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) to access my/our Drivers Licence record and motor vehicle ownership details. Please note that NZTA allows for personal details to be withheld, visit our website for further details.
- Understand and agree that the information on this form may be exchanged with other credit providers or other third parties to assist with the recovery of my debts.
- Understand and agree that the information on this form may be exchanged with any Insurance Companies or other third parties to assist with processing of Insurance claims.
- Am aware that, pursuant to the Privacy Act 2020, I am entitled to have access to and request correction of personal information held about me.
- Understand that I am entitled to receive a copy of any information that Yes may receive from third parties about me, and any information that Yes may provide to third parties about me.
- Acknowledge that this application will form part of any agreement I/we may hereafter enter into with Yes and that the authorisation set out above will be deemed to be incorporated into that agreement.
- Acknowledge in agreeing to this Privacy Act Authorisation it shall operate as an authority to each source (agencies, people, organisations) to provide any information about me/us which Yes may require in connection with this application or any such agreement.